Ezine Food Spec. Org. Ind. Zone
Alper ALTINOK - Reg. Director
He provides added value to the economy with effective and economical production methods that will be developed by establishing organic relations between the organized industrial zone manager, the producers in the field and the producers in the industrial zone.
R. Cuneyt ERENOGLU - Prof. Dr.
He performed many projects in the food sector in Ezine and its surroundings as a manager or researcher. The proposed new project in the field of olive producing is implemented, it will provide added value to the project with its management experience in the field.

Ezine Food Spec. Org. Ind. Zone
İbrahim Kaya - Specialist
He took part in the team of the “Providing Innovative Vocational Training for Increasing the Quality of Workforce in the Field of Milk and Dairy Products in Ezine Region” project, which was completed last year, and contributed to the successful completion of all processes.

Ahmet Evren ERGINAL - Prof. Dr.
He has experience in project writing and management and completed an Erasmus + project in 2017 within the scope of strategic partnership. In the proposed project, he will be the Log-frame Matrix operator in the project and will take an active role at various work packages.

Yasemin KAVDIR - Prof. Dr.
She is working on soil physics and biophysics, soil conditioners and soil reclamation. She has been conducting research projects on composting and utilizaton of different agricultural by-products such as olive pomace, green walnut husk, tomato stalks, vine pruning wastes, rice stalks, fish remainigs.

Murat SEKER - Prof. Dr.
His research areas are agricultural sciences, biotechnology and genetics, plant breeding and genetics, biochemistry, biotechnology, plant biotechnology, molecular biology and genetics, plant molecular genetics, genetic engineering, cytogenetics. He has been involved in many projects.

Lara MENDES - Prof. Dr.
Her areas of expertise are business-to-business marketing, business-to-consumer marketing, financial accounting and event marketing. She is Professor in the areas of Management, Marketing, Accounting and Taxation, Instituto Superior de.

Alexandra LEANDRO - Prof. Dr.
She has been a member of the faculty as a professor of Communication Sciences, Organizations, and Media, and teaches curricular units of Marketing, Advertising, and Public Relations. Previously, Alexandra has had the opportunity to work in several Marketing departments, mainly in the Food Industry

Ivo RODRIGUES - Assist. Prof. Dr.
He is a researcher at CERNAS, with a special interest in the valorization of by-products of agro-industry (oilseeds meals, chestnut, rice, strawberry tree fruits, pomegranate) and preserving foods through high-pressure processing (HPP).

Vivina CARREIRA - Ph. D.
The research experience has covered the areas of languages for specific purposes, communication, translation, and cultural tourism. Other interests include research on the challenges of translating tourism discourses.